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Adrian-George Adomniței wins the second Long distance race of the of Suceava and Botoşani counties

After breaking any national record with the more than 33,000 pigeons engaged in the first Long Distance stage of the 2024 season, pigeon fanciers from the Suceava and Botoșani Branches had a second equally spectacular Long Distance competition. But this time they basketed "only" 28,807 pigeons.

For the second Long Distance competition of the 2024 season, pigeon fanciers from Botoșani and Suceava counties, who are competing together this year, released pigeons from the town of Sterdyn in Poland. As we already mentioned, 28,807 pigeons were entered, with 885 breeders participating. For all participants, the race had distances of approximately 580-600 km, with some pigeon fanciers having even more than 650 km. The launch time was 05:45, the stage taking place on the 15th of June.

Adrian-George Adomniței had a dream arrivals

One of the participants in this stage was Adrian-George Adomniței, from Păltinoasa, Suceava county, who entered only 12 pigeons in this competition. But, the relatively small number of pigeons employed did not prevent him from having an excellent stage. With the competition distance of 617 km, the pigeon fancier from Suceava had the surprise that at 13:17:01 the first pigeon arrived in his loft, the young cock with the series RO-2023-1154613. The average flight speed with which he moved along the route was 1366.95 m/min, which at the end of the stage proved to be the best speed of the competition. The young cock therefore claimed first place on the launch, giving Adrian-George Adomnitei one of the greatest performances of his career. But, the surprises did not end there. Just two minutes later, at 13:19:49, another cock arrived in the loft of Adrian-George Adomniței, with the series RO-2023-1154612, none other than the nest brother of the first arrival. He took second place in the launch, producing one of the best results ever recorded in our country: two nest brothers to occupy the first two places in the launch, out of 28,807 pigeons, at the distance of 617 km. The two cocks were also on the team, so that, having the 1st and 2nd places on the launch, they brought Adrian-George Adomniței the 1st place among breeders, against 885 participants.


Adrian-George Adomniței has only been competing since 2021. Starting this year, he decided to focus only on the Long Distance and Marathon categories, especially due to the fact that he does not have much time to spend with the pigeons. They compete naturally, the two young cocks "authors" of this performance being engaged in the difficult situation of beating the nest. From the point of view of origins, the two males come from a male from David Rotaru, while their mother is from Marcel Blanaru.


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