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Alexandru Husu & Son breeding loft. Top quality and references

There are not many breeding bases for racing pigeons in Romania, but certainly, judging by the references, the one owned by Alexandru Huzu and his son is one of the best. Here they breed about 50 couples from the best pigeon lines in Europe, especially for the Marathon category.

Alexandru Huzu is a pigeon fancier with a lot of experience, also accumulated thanks to the many visits he made abroad, who lives in the city of Sebeș in Alba county. For more than a decade he has established a breeding loft, investing heavily financially to acquire the highest quality genetic material. Since 2013, Alexandru Huzu has acquired sons, daughters or relatives of the best pigeons in Europe. He brought them to his loft, mated them and began to provide those interested with exceptional genetic material. "I thought of this project out of love for pigeons and the marathon category. Because I don't have the time to take care of pigeons to compete, but also because of the area where I live, I chose together with my son and family support to build this breeding loft.  Thus, through extraordinary efforts, I managed to acquire from Dr. Brockamp, ​​Jelle Jellema, Batenburg van der Merwe, Cor de Heijde, Frans Bungeneers, Gerard Schalkwijk, Etienne Meirlaen and the Verweij-de Haan tandem, with whom I also became good in the meantime friends, a number of descendants or siblings of some of the most famous marathon pigeons in the world. In a very short time, in order to eliminate any doubts regarding the pedigree of the chicks, I decided to do DNA tests for any youngsters descended from my pigeons, at the request of any pigeon fancier in the country or abroad. I believe that through this opportunity I certify the seriousness, meticulousness and transparency that have characterized me and my eldest son for several years, extremely involved in everything that this pigeon fancier phenomenon means", said Alexandru Huzu.


Lots of references

The success of such success is based on referrals only. Operating for over a decade, it is clear that Alexandru Huzu's breeding loft produces very high quality pigeons, a fact evidenced by the references accumulated over time. Thus, a son of New Laureaat, owned by Alexandru Huzu, is the great-grandfather of the pigeons on the 1st and 3rd places in the county in the Ace Marathon Yearlings category 2024 (Şendruc Gheorghe), the grandfather of the 1st place on launch at the Hamburg National 2024 stage (Familia Dranca), Grandfather of the 3rd place Maraton county and 4th As Maraton county (Roșu Alin), grandfather of the 1st place As Maraton Palmares county (Roșu Alin), grandfather of the 1st place Bucharest Marathon (Muntean Sergiu), etc. Among the hens with which this cock reproduced we can mention his sister Silke, at the same time also the daughter of Romee. Another top breeder is a son of Zwart Goud who, mated to a granddaughter of Rika, became the great-grandfather of the 2nd place National As Extrem Long distance Palmares (Bic Dan+Ungur). Also, a son of this pigeon bred the first pigeon to arrive in Lothar Leismeister's loft since Barcelona International 2024. Another reference is the top breeder of Stefan Filip, from Sibiu, bred in Alexandru Huzu's loft from Jelle pigeons Jellema and a daughter from the couple consisting of Zwart Goud's son and granddaughter Rika. Named "Duly", Ștefan Filip's male reproduced the 1st place county As Maraton 2018, the 3rd place county Extreme Marathon 2018, the 3rd place provincial Marathon Palmares and the 9th place provincial Marathon in 2018.

In addition to those mentioned, a son, a daughter and a grandson of the famous Euro Diamond can be added, as well as several Cor de Heijde pigeons. The latter were acquired quite recently, but have already shown their worth. Thus, a female reproduced from the double grandson Don Michelle and daughter Blue Dream reproduced the 1st place As Extrem county and the 3rd place Extrem Maturi county (Vrancea county), but also the 32nd national place Extrem Palmares (Plestiu Adrian). For more details: https://huzu-alexandru.ro/ 





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