After the 2024 season, two Romanian fanciers with outstanding results in pigeon racing were rewarded with the title of "master pigeon racing". The list of masters is truly select, and access to this ace square is quite difficult even after truly exceptional results.
Until 2024, in the over 80 years of organized pigeon racing, 44 pigeon fanciers in Romania were rewarded with the honorary title of "master pigeon racing" for outstanding merits in pigeon racing. After the last season of competitions, Cristinel Chelaru and Marius Dorog also achieved this feat and received the title of masters, which currently bears the name "Mihai I Trophy", in memory of the last king of our country. The criteria for granting the title of master are not at all so easy. To receive this recognition, Romanian pigeon fanciers must win two national 1st place trophies in two different years in the faanciers championship, two national 1st place trophies in two different years in the pigeon championship and participate in two international exhibitions, such as the Pigeon Olympics or the European Cup.
Christinel Chelaru
Cristinel Chelaru is from Vrancea and returned to pigeon racing in 2019. Since then, he has won countless national trophies, especially in the Long Distance category, where he is by far the best fancier in Romania. In the 2024 season, Cristinel Chelaru won the following national trophies: 1st and 2nd national Long Distance (2 years), 1st Long Distance fanciers (2 years), 1st and 3rd Long Distance (3 years), 1st Long Distance fanciers (3 years), 2nd Long Distance fanciers.
Marius Dorog
Marius Dorog is from Hunedoara and has a very rich experience in pigeon racing. He has been competing since 2009 and participates in all one-day races with exceptional results. His record contains dozens of national trophies, and one of his best seasons was 2023, when he achieved a series of extraordinary results: 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the national Ace Speed Youngsters and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th and 9th places in the national Speed Youngsters.
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