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Excellent arrivals for Nicușor Buligan (TR) at the Medyka long distance race


The Teleorman Columbophile branch is one of the smallest branches of UNCR-Columba. For example, this season, only 38 pigeon fanciers compete here, but the passion for pigeons leaves behind all the efforts that these pigeon fanciers make, and the pigeons reward them accordingly. This is what happened in the case of Nicușor Buligan, who had a first long-distance race that he will always remember.

In the 2024 season, pigeon fans from Teleorman participate in the Long Distance races with their colleagues from the Olt Branch, the flight route being Poland. On June 15, the first competition took place, starting from the town of Medyka, where 2,749 pigeons were entered and 180 fanciers participated.

Nicușor Buligan is, by far, the star of the race

Considering all the flying conditions, the Medyka race was not an easy one. The pigeons were released at 05:48, all the participating fanciers had distances of over 600 km, and the first arrivals were recorded around 3:00 p.m., that is, after almost nine hours of flight. Following this competition, the Teleorman pigeon fancier Nicușor Buligan stood out, who won the stage in both pigeons and breeders, achieving a fantastic series of arrivels: 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th, 17th, 18, 19 etc. "I took over the passion for pigeons from my father in 2004, he has been competing since the 80s. I compete in all categories, but I put a stronger emphasis on National Ace, Long Distance and even All Round. In the loft I have pigeons from several Romanian fanciers, among whom I would mention Adrian Cîrciumaru, Cristian Lemnaru, Cătălin Bocăneț, Tiberiu Sîrbu and Daniel Cobzaru. For two years now, I have been racing pigeons in widowhood, a method that starts two weeks before the first long distance race. This year I use the Lond Distance mixture from Beyers for the preparation of the pigeons and also to be prepared, the pigeons are taken to two or three training sessions, with distances between 50 and 100 km, before each Long Distance stage", explained Nicușor Buligan.


The winning cock is a good flyer

1st place on the launch was won by Nicușor Buligan with cock RO-2021-0642015. He arrived at 15:38:31, flying the 674 km of the contest with an average speed of 1,142.53 m/min. The cock is not at all in his first performance. He is already in his second season of contests in Poland, in 2023 ending the long distance norm on the same route with 21.92 penalty points. "The winning cock is one of the good fliers of my loft, which is why he was included in the team. His father was purchased from an auction of Tiberiu Sîrbu, and the mother is bred from pigeons with very good results in our area and was stopped directly at breeding. It is a cock that so far gets into peak form at the end of the season. I see that now things are different, but I hope it will continue as well as before", added Nicușor Buligan.


As I already mentioned, Nicușor Buligan is also the winner in the breeders' ranking (180 participants). He achieved a coefficient of 2.42 penalty points, making the team with the pigeons in the 1st and 5th places per launch.


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