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Ionuț Smeu wins 1st place at the Sokolka national race

Fanciers from the southern part of the country ended the season with old pigeons in the most beautiful way, that is, by participating in the last national race of the competitive year 2024 for old pigeons. The competition took place on August 10 and the pigeons were released at 07:00.

In the last weekend of the competition year 2024 for old pigeons, the National Sokolka stage took place. Organized under the supervision of the Dolj Branch, the National Sokolka stage is only in its second edition. But, it has become quite an attractive race, with breeders from 15 counties participating in this year's edition. Being a stage for which it was launched from Poland, the distances of the participants varied from +950 to +1,150 km. The participation was not very consistent, especially since we are talking about the 6th marathon race of the year. 1,793 pigeons were boarded, but it is important to note that they come from 356 breeders from 15 counties. Practically, with very few exceptions, we can say that the entire southern part of the country participated in this year's National Sokolka race.

Ionuț Smeu (Brăila) is the one who takes the first place

Regardless of how many or how few pigeons are entered, winning such a competition is the dream of any participating fancier. This year, the one who saw his dream come true is Ionuț Smeu, from Brăila. He participated in the National Sokolka race with a team of 5 pigeons, the 1st place in the race being won with the cock RO-2022-1100208, arrived at 19:46:56. The competition distance was 961 km, and the resulting average speed was 1,253 m/min. Sokolka Național is the 4th marathon this season that Ionuț Smeu's cock classifies, out of as many boardings.





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