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Miklos Szekely, the absolute champion of the Speed ​​Fanciers category in the last 6 seasons

Miklos Szekely is from Blaj, Alba County, and competes in all races with distances of 100-700 km. But, by far, he is a true specialist in the Speed ​​category, a category where he has won several national trophies in the pigeon classification, and in the national fanciers classification he is the Romanian pigeon fancier with the most trophies won in the last 6 seasons. 

Miklos Szekely's rise began in 2018, when he managed to take 2nd and 3rd places in the national Speed ​​Yearlings. Since then and until now, including the 2024 season, Miklos Szekely has been on the national podium, winning at least one national trophy every year.


Absolute Champion of the Fanciers Speed ​​Category

After the two national trophies in 2018, Miklos Szekely did not have to wait too long for a new performance. In 2019 he became the national champion in the Fanciers Speed​ (2 year category), a trophy with which he began a true national dominance in the Fanciers Speed ​​Category. Thus, in 2020 he managed to repeat the performance of the previous year, becoming, once again, the champion of the Fanciers Speed (2 years category). In 2021, he was the national champion of the Fanciers Speed ​​Palmares (3 years category), and in 2022 he won three more national trophies: 1st place national Fanciers Speed (2 years category), 1st place national Fanciers Speed (3 years category) and 2nd place national Fanciers Speed. In the 2023 season, Szekely Miklos was the national champion of the Fanciers Speed (2 years category) ​​​​and Fanciers Speed (3 year category). He was not absent from the national podium in 2024, a season in which he was, again, the national champion of the 3 years Fanciers Speed ​​​​categories.

If we add to this list of results from the national breeders' catalogue the national trophies won by Miklos Szekely during this period in the national pigeon ranking, like 1st place national Speed ​​Old birs 2020, 1st place national Speed ​​Old birds 2022, 2nd and 3rd places national Ace Speed ​​Old birds, 1st and 2nd places national Speed 3 years, 2nd place national Ace Speed ​2 years and others, the conclusions of such a performance table are easy to highlight: a pigeon fancier who has found the "recipe for success"!


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