Category I is the Olympic category that is equivalent to the standard for the Long distance category (one year). Therefore, this is achieved by ranking three races of over 500 km, even marathon competitions can be centralized. It is also the case of the first two pigeons in the national top of this category from the 2023 season, whose races with which they achieved this norm have marathon distances.
Liviu Perijoc and "New Star", champions in category I
Liviu Perijoc from Suceava achieved some enviable results in the 2023 season, especially in the distance categories. Their "author" is the male with serial number RO-2021-1088051, named by his owner "New Star". In the national championship of Romania, "New Star" is the absolute champion in the Extreme and As Extrem categories, which is achieved by ranking two, respectively three stages of over 900 km. Also with these three stages, where he ranked 1st out of 10,806 pigeons (979 km), 4th out of 10,734 pigeons (976 km) and 21st out of 9,913 pigeons (972 km), he also achieved the Olympic norm in category I, with 4, 80 penalty points.
Eugen Silivestru is the vicechampion
Eugen Silivestru is a pigeon fancier from Ialomița and, although he is not part of one of the largest branches in the country, his results in recent years are getting better and better. After a series of very good results at national level achieved in recent years, in the 2023 season he managed to place himself in second place, also nationally, but this time in Olympic category I. His Olympian is a two-year-old male, with series RO-2021-0308721, which obtained a coefficient of 6.28 penalty points. With the same score, Eugen Silivestru's Olympian also ranks 3rd nationally in the Mature Long Distance category.
Marius Rudaru is the third Olympian of the category
The third Olympic pigeon of this category belongs to Marius Rudaru, pigeon fancier from Bucharest Branch. He is also a cock and also two years old, with the series RO-2021-2018109, penalized with 6.49 points. In the national championship of Romania, in the Long distance category, he takes the 5th place, and among the stages with which he achieved these top results, it is worth mentioning the 1st place out of 1,810 pigeons, obtained at a distance of 648 km.
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