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The voiajor.net website supports the charity auction for young Veronica Sotropa



      Being a noble passion, pigeon racing is for the overwhelming majority of fanciers a sport that addresses, first of all, the soul. This is the reason why Romanian pigeon fanciers have proven countless times that they can overcome pride and ambitions, supporting countless charitable actions, either donating pigeons or buying the specimens offered for a noble purpose.

      Recently, at the initiative of the Suceava Branch county, on the website www.voiajor.net, whose representatives, in turn, support this action, such a charitable effort was launched. This time, several pigeon fanciers from Suceava made available 19 pigeons in the desire to help the young Veronica Sotropa, from Sucevita, to overcome the health problems caused by a serious heart condition, which requires an urgent surgical intervention. As expected, the costs of the operation, which can only be performed at the Monta hospital in Bucharest, exceed 110,000 lei, a very large amount for the family's financial possibilities.


      Thus, out of a desire to lend a helping hand, pigeon lovers like Liviu Perijoc, Bogdan Ciobanu, the Solovăstru Family, Team Vicov, Ionel Cotlet, Mihai Țugui, Ilie Nichiforel, Constantin Pânzari, the Gagea Brothers, Ciprian Prelipcean or Adrian Schipor, supported by site representatives of www.voiajor.net, have made available products from the best pigeons of the breeder, in the hope that they will be purchased by those who want to strengthen their own breeders and, at the same time, financially support this cause.

      It should be noted that the entire amount raised in this auction, which is going on right now, will be given to the family. The auction can be found at the following address: :  https://www.voiajor.net/licitatii/licita--ie-caritabil-1139

      At the same time, those who wish to directly support the charity can do so by donating to one of the following accounts:




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