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Unique performance for the Bucevschi Family in the 2024 season


"Bucevschi Family" is the title under which pigeon fancier Emanuel Bucevschi, member of the Timiș Branch, competes. He participates with excellent results in races of all distance categories, from speed to marathon, and in the 2024 season he even achieved a unique performance: the only pigeon in Romania with a norm at Ace National Yearlings belongs to him! 

Ace National is the most difficult category in the National Columbophile Championship of Romania. The norm of this category is achieved with 10 races, three of which must be marathon competitions. Since at least one speed race is also needed, it follows that the pigeons competing for this category must be extremely complete flyers, capable of very good arrivals in all distance categories. The difficulty of the category is evident also from the small number of pigeons that manage to meet the norm: only seven in the 2024 season (one young and six old birds).

Hen RO-23-0528777, the only yearling with As National in 2024

The young hen competed by the Bucevschi Family is not only the only young pigeon who managed to meet the norm of the National Ace category in Romania, but also the way in which she achieved this performance is interesting. In the 10 races she placed, we find no less than two long distance races (558 km and 628 km), but also no less than four marathon races: 766 km, 766 km, 825 km and 1,023 km (Berlin International, 19th place out of 1,061 pigeons). But, amazingly, she finished two marathon races, Karlovy Vary 2 (766 km) and Berlin International (1,023 km), in just 7 days! 

In the 2024 season, Emanuel Bucevschi competed with 56 widowed pigeons, and the champion of the Ace National Yearlings category managed to rank all 11 races she was engaged in.





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