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After an excellent performance at the 2025 European Cup, Romanian pigeon fanciers are also performing very well in the World Best Pigeon ranking, the second international competition organized by the International Pigeon Federation (FCI). Thus, we are world champions in three categories and have climbed onto the world podium five more times. The World Best Pigeon ranking is compiled annually by the FCI, following the same
The breeding season has already started, and one of the biggest problems faced by breeding pigeons during this particularly important time is Trichomoniasis. This disease significantly affects the quality of the offspring, and it can even endanger the lives of the breeders, which is why it must be taken into account with great care! Last but not least, Trichomoniasis also severely affects the racing pigeons,
The Gold Club offers Romanian pigeon fanciers one of the most attractive and motivating competitions with money prizes. The Gold Club was founded in 2018, and since then, pigeon fanciers have the opportunity to duel for one of the 10 national prizes at stake, worth 10,000 lei. Florin Petrache, from Neamț, is one of the most valuable Romanian pigeon fanciers, with multiple national prizes and participation
Miklos Szekely is from Blaj, Alba County, and competes in all races with distances of 100-700 km. But, by far, he is a true specialist in the Speed ​​category, a category where he has won several national trophies in the pigeon classification, and in the national fanciers classification he is the Romanian pigeon fancier with the most trophies won in the last 6 seasons. Miklos Szekely's
After the 2024 season, two Romanian fanciers with outstanding results in pigeon racing were rewarded with the title of "master pigeon racing". The list of masters is truly select, and access to this ace square is quite difficult even after truly exceptional results. Until 2024, in the over 80 years of organized pigeon racing, 44 pigeon fanciers in Romania were rewarded with the honorary title
"Bucevschi Family" is the title under which pigeon fancier Emanuel Bucevschi, member of the Timiș Branch, competes. He participates with excellent results in races of all distance categories, from speed to marathon, and in the 2024 season he even achieved a unique performance: the only pigeon in Romania with a norm at Ace National Yearlings belongs to him! Ace National is the most difficult category in
In order to meet the norm of the Extreme category, the pigeons must place two races with a distance of over 900 km. The norms are centralized for both mature and young pigeons. There is also the category Extreme for fanciers, with the mention that to achieve this norm three races are needed and not just two, as in the case of pigeons. Top 3 national
The Extreme category replaced the old Extreme Marathon category. Due to the fact that the races in this category must be over 900 km, we can even say that it is the category for lovers of long marathon races, given that the contests for this category start from distances of +700 km. In the 2024 season, the Extrem was in great demand, especially in the province
In the national championship of Romania, in addition to the national trophies up for grabs in each flight category, there are also several special trophies. These are special awards both for their name and for the criteria that must be met to win them, but also for what they represent as performance. Two of these national trophies are the "Carol I" Trophy, established in memory of
Starting with the 2025 season, Romanian pigeon fanciers have the opportunity to be engaged in a new challenge. This consists of a national marathon race, in the true sense of the word, with the possibility of participation by any breeder in the country. The idea of ​​a national marathon race in Romania is not new. For more than a decade, several provincial or interprovincial races have
We are already used to the results of Romanian pigeon fanciers at the international level being very good, and the year 2025 is no exception to the "rule". Thus, at the Central and Eastern European Cup, which took place at the beginning of February, Romanian pigeon fanciers obtained several top results. This year's edition of the Central and Eastern European Cup was dedicated to the pigeon
Alexandru Răcean is an experienced pigeon fancier, member of the Columbophile Cluj Branch. In the past he formed a successful team with his colleague Lucian Marchiș, becoming some of the best pigeon fanciers in Transylvania and even national champions several times. At the end of 2017, Alexandru Răcean thought it was time for a break, which lasted for five years. It returned to competition in

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